Dear Willa-Monster,
You are such a happy baby. I hope you stay that
way forever and ever. This good nature is really very unexpected, as I was
fully prepared for a screamer. You are still feisty, but a different kind of
feisty than I was expecting. We have nicknamed you Smiley Lady Infant and that
is quickly turning into Smiley. Your other nickname is Willa Monster when you
are having a “moment”. But generally, you are a smiley, easy baby who loves her
Mama. When you are unhappy, you just want to be held, walked around the house
or fed.
You’re about 10 months old now and really walking
(oh yes, WALKING) now and beginning to talk. The walking is very strange to
witness in a baby as young as 10 months, and you are kind of starting to run a
little (it’s faster than a typical walk) and CLIMB onto things. These are things
that never dawned on Maggie to even try at this age. We are really starting to
see why there is so much baby proofing- we didn’t need much for Mags. I’ve had
to tell all of your sitters that you are faster than them, so they have to be

Kicking a soccer ball around the house is not a
typical game, but you do that too. You love holding on to our fingers, while
you run up to a little ball and kick it, so naturally we all think you will be
a soccer player or sports enthusiast. You also try to throw the ball if you are
sitting near it.
You love pulling hair and chewing on shoes, so we
are constantly taking Maggie's hair out of your hands and our shoes out of your
You talk... kinda. You really love just crawling
after me at full speed saying "ma ma ma ma ma" when you are hungry.
You also say “uh-oh” when you play your drop-stuff game. We are still breast
feeding and nursing, which I'm super excited about because I only nursed Mags
until 9 months (barely). You are distracted very easily, and you look up at me
with the biggest eyes. You find comfort in curling up with Mama and feeding in
the mornings. You also love motor-boating me and blowing raspberries on my
chest when you are hungry.
You love to wrestle with us, and play
peek-a-boo. Both make you giggle so much. So much giggling! Best sound
ever is hearing you and Maggie giggling together, when you play with each
I'm sorry I have not been very good at keeping
up with your weekly photos, 2nd child syndrome maybe. I have, on the other hand,
been taking photos.
There will always be differences between you and
your sister. Sometimes you will get the best part, and sometimes you will draw
the shorter straw. Your Aunt Jessi will make sure it isn't too short. I love
you both very much.
You stay you.